
This blog contains thoughts that I have in computing, and my life through my own lens as a software developer. I write on an eclectic mix of subject matter, ranging from computers, philosophy, personal sociological views and various observations on life.

All writings in this blog are purely personal, any opinions expressed are solely of my own and do not represent the opinions, views or any affiliation to the companies I work for, past and present.

My life is never too far from doing geeky stuffs: I like to examine things, read or work on something to occupy my free time. Otherwise, I can be found in the gym, or enjoying the outdoors, or working on something.

I have had the privilege of living in 4 continents and I enjoy travelling immensely. Fun facts about me: I have weapons training and have been in prison for 2 years (… as a warden), a reasonably capable dancer, handy around the house with DIY and a good cook!