(Technical) Whimsical Writings of the Web
Printing Syntax Highlighted Source Code
Sometimes, reading code from paper can be easier than reading it from the screen.
Installing OpenGrok On Ubuntu Linux
I am really impressed with OpenGrok, a web-based source code search engine that I’ve found while I was trying to look up OpenJDK’s source code.
Vim: Editing Command History
One of the few oft-forgotten commands that are rather handy:
Ubuntu 8.04 Crashes Upon Shutdown
My laptop used to hang intermittently during shutdown when using Ubuntu Linux 7.
Disabling Terminal Flow Control Keystrokes
If you’ve ever encountered the situation where you’ve accidentally typed the <ctrl-s> keystroke and your terminal seems to ‘hang’, that’s because you’ve typed the ‘XOFF’ special character which tells the terminal not to accept any more key inputs.
Backing Up and Restoring Postgresql Databases
I recently have defected from Gentoo to Ubuntu, (*Gasp*, but I’m finally sick of the constant waiting from compiling and re-compiling, or suffering from dependencies breakage or conflicting masks preventing me from updating between new and old packages and various other complaints, but I’ll leave that to another day), which one of the things that I had to do was to perform a backup of all my stuffs, including the data on my databases.
Visualizing Differences Between Source Modifications in Vim
There’s always something new to learn from #vim, and here’s another gem that allows you to use vim’s built-in diff capability to visually inspect the code changes on your source inline.
Hacking MacOS X For Password Retrival
I had to resort to this trick as I have inherited an old Mac machine from a friend of mine, who in turn had inherited it from her children.